Click on Donate to use a Credit Card to make your donation!
You can also phone in your pledge from
2pm to 11pm on Nov 30, 2024
Call 705-472-4420 or 1-844-888-4420
In Mattawa Call 705-744-4354
Be sure to put your name and mailing address in the comment spot for receipt purposes
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How we began
The Telethon started back in 1946 and has become a tradition at Christmas for many families in and around North Bay.
It is the Lions' vision for the telethon that every child in our community experiences the spirit and joy of the Christmas season.
Our Mission
The Lions Christmas Telethon Committee is a collaboration amongst area Lions Clubs, volunteers, and community partners to generate funds to purchase and distribute food and toys to local children and families in need by producing an exciting and engaging Children’s Christmas Telethon that will inspire everyone in the area to donate and enlighten a family’s Christmas.
Get in touch
If you are interested in learning more about Lions Clubs or, more specifically, about the Lions Club in your area, click on one of the following links:
or go to our contact page